主要研究方向为药用植物、微生物的活性天然产物的发现及生物合成。以一作或通讯作者在Science,Nature Plants,Molecular Plant,Science Bulletin,Organic Chemistry Frontiers,Journal of Natural Products等学术期刊上发表论文20余篇。
电子信箱: zhouyuan@hust.edu.cn
2016.12至今 副教授,华中科技大学同济药学院,博士生导师
2013.09-2016.12 博士后,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所导师黄三文研究员
2011.08-2013.09 项目主管,扬子江药业集团中药研究院
2008.09-2011.07 博士,北京大学药学院 导师屠鹏飞教授
2005.09-2008.07 硕士,大连大学环境与化学工程学院王永奇,冯宝民教授
2001.09-2005.07 学士,衡阳师范学院化学与材料科学系
1. 国家一类新药金线莲苷的生物合成研究.国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2025.01-2028.12.主持
2. 先导化合物生物合成路径的解析及骨架相关元件库的构建.国家重点研发计划(子任务).2021.10-2026.09.主持
3. 基于合成生物学的真菌来源ophiobolin型二倍半萜的化学多样性研究.中德交流项目. 2022.07-2025.06.主要负责人
4. 基于基因组扫描的黄柄曲霉“隐形”异戊烯基吲哚生物碱的发现.国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2020.01-2023.12.主持
5. 黄柄曲霉产细胞松弛二聚体黄柄曲霉素A的生物合成研究.国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2018.01-2021.12.主持
6. 曲霉真菌Z23中抑癌活性物质asperspiropene A的生物合成研究.中德PPP合作项目. 2018.01-2019.12.主持
7. 黄瓜苦味物质葫芦素C生物合成途径及关键酶基因CMOG1的功能研究.国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2015.01-2017.12.主持
8. 黄瓜苦味物质葫芦素C合成中间体的分析.博士后面上基金. 2014.03-2015.09.主持
9. 华中科技大学人才引进基金. 2016.12-2019.12.主持
1. Y. Liu, P. Li, C. Qi, Z. Zha, J. Meng, C. Liu,J. Han, Q. Zhou, Z. Luo, J. Wang, H. Zhu, Y. Ye, C. Chen*,Y. Zhou*, Y. Zhang*. Cryptic piperazine derivatives activated by knocking out the global regulator LaeA inAspergillus flavipes.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry2024, 103:117685.
2. S. Zhang, L. Gu, Y. Lin, H. Zeng, N. Ding, J. Wei,X. Gu, C. Liu, W. Sun,Y. Zhou*, Y. Zhang*, Z. Hu*. Chaetoxylariones A–G: undescribed chromone-derived polyketides from co-culture ofChaetomium virescensandXylaria grammicaenabled via the molecular networking strategy.Bioorganic Chemistry2024, 147:107329.
1. Z. Qing, Y. Shi, L. Han, P. Li, Z. Zha, C. Liu, X. Liu, P. Huang, Y. Liu, Q. Tang, K. Zeng*, J. Zeng*,Y. Zhou*. Identification of seven undescribed cucurbitacins inCucumis sativus(cucumber) and their cytotoxic activity.Phytochemistry2022, 197: 113123.
1. S. Xie#,Y. Zhou#, X. Tan#, W. Sun, Y. Duan, H. Feng,L. Sun, Y. Guo, Z. Shi, X. Hao, Gang Chen*, C. Qi*, and Y. Zhang*. Norwilsonnol A, an immunosuppressive polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol with a spiro [5-oxatricyclo [6.4. 0.03, 7] dodecane-6′,1-1′, 2′-dioxane] system fromHypericum wilsonii.Organic Chemistry Frontiers2021, 8(10): 2280–2286.
1. S. Xie#, C. Qi#, Y. Duan#, X. Hao, Y. Guo,
M. Deng, Y. Qiao, Z. Shi, L. Tao, Y. Cao, L. Gu*,Y Zhou*, Y. Zhang*. Wilsonglucinols A–C, homoadamantane-type polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols with unusual fused epoxy ring skeletons fromHypericum wilsonii.Organic Chemistry Frontiers. 2020,7, 464–471. (IF: 5.1)
2. S. Xie#, C. Qi#, Y. Duan, Q. Xu, Y. Liu, Y. Huang, Xu Yin, W. Sun*,Y. Zhou*, Y. Zhang*. Discovery of new polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols with diverse architectures as potent cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors.Organic Chemistry Frontiers. 2020,7, 349–1357. (IF: 5.1)
3. S. Xie#, X. Tan#, Y. Liu, Y. Duan, G. Chen, H. Feng, L. Sun, Y. Huang, Y. Guo, Z. Shi,Y. Zhou*,C. Qi*, Y. Zhang*.Hypersonins A−D, Polycyclic Polyprenylated Acylphloroglucinols with a 1,2-seco-Homoadamantane Architecture fromHypericum wilsonii.Journal Natural Products. 2020,83, 1804−1809. (IF: 3.8)
1. X. Zhou, X. Xu, Y. Xi,Y. Zhou*. Terpenoid and phenolic constituents from the roots ofIlex pubescens.Fitoterapia. 2019,138, 104298.(IF: 2.5)
2. D. Li#, Y. Ma#,Y. Zhou#, J. Gou, Y. Zhong, L. Zhao, L. Han, S. Pvchinnikov, L. Ma, S. Huang, P. Greisen*, Y. Shang*. A structural and data-driven approach to engineering a plant cytochrome P450 enzyme.Science China–Life Science. 2019,62, 873–882. (IF: 4.6)
1. C. Qi#, Y. Qiao#, W. Gao, M. Liu, Q. Zhou, C. Chen, Y. Lai, Y. Xue, J. Zhang, D. Li, J. Wang, H. Zhu, Z. Hu*,Y. Zhou*, Y. Zhang*. New 3,5-dimethylorsellinic acid-based meroterpenoids with BACE1 and AchE inhibitory activities fromAspergillus terreus.Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2018,16, 9046.(IF: 3.4)
1. Y. Zhong#, X. Xue#, Z. Liu#, Y. Ma, K. Zeng, L. Han, D. Ro, S. Huang,Y. Zhou*, Y. Shang*.Developmentally regulated glucosylation of bitter triterpenoid in cucumber by the UDP-glucosyltransferase UGT73AM3.Molecular Plant.2017,10, 1000–1003.(IF: 17.1)
2.Y. Zhou#, Y. Ma#, J. Zeng#, L. Duan#, X. Xue, H. Wang, …, P. Tu, Z. Zhang, A. Osbourn, D. Ro, Y. Shang*, S. Huang*.Convergence and divergence of bitterness biosynthesis and regulation in cucumber, melon and watermelon.Nature Plants, 2016,2, 16183. (IF: 15.8)
3. Y. Ma#,Y. Zhou#, S. Ovchinnikov, P. Jr Greisen, S. Huang, Yi Shang*.New insights into substrate folding preference of plant OSCs.Science Bulletin, 2016,61, 1407–1414. (IF: 18.8)
4. Y. Shang#, Y. Ma#,Y. Zhou#, H. Zhang#, L. Duan, H. Chen, J. Zeng, …, W. J. Lucas, S. Huang*. Biosynthesis, regulation, and domestication of bitterness in cucumber.Science, 2014,346, 1084–1088. (IF: 44.7)
5.Y. Zhou, K. Zeng, J. Zhang, N. Li, X. Chai, Y. Jiang, P. Tu*. Triterpene saponins from the roots ofIlex pubescens.Fitoterapia, 2014,97,98–104.(IF: 2.5)
6.Y. Zhou, N. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Jiang, P. Tu*. Simultaneous determination of four triterpenoid saponins and two liganoids in the roots ofIlex pubescensby RP­HPLC­DAD.Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014,23, 866–872.
7. Z. Qing#,Y. Zhou#, X. Liu, P. Cheng, J. Zeng*. 23, 24-Dihydrocucurbitacin C: a new compound regarded as the next metabolite of cucurbitacin C.Natural Product Research, 2014,28, 1165–1170.
8. L. Zheng#,Y. Zhou#, J. Zhang, M. Song, Y. Yuan, Y. Xiao, T. Xiang*. Two new steroidal saponins from the rhizomes ofDioscorea zingiberensis.Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine, 2014,12, 142–147.
9.Y. Zhou, X. Chai, K. Zeng, J. Zhang, N. Li, Y. Jiang, P. Tu*. Ilexpublesnins C–M, Eleven New Triterpene Saponins from the Roots ofIlex pubescens.Planta Medica, 2013,79, 70–77.
10.Y. Zhou, B. Feng*, L. Shi, H. Wang, L. Tang and Y. Wang. Two new 3-oxo-α-ionol glucosides fromUrtica laetevirensMaxim.Natural Product Research, 2011,25, 1219–1223.
11.Y. Zhou, W. Wang, L. Tang, X. Yan, L. Shi, Y. Wang, B Feng*. Lignan and flavonoid glycosides fromUrtica laetevirensMaxim.Journal of Natural Medicines, 2009,63, 100–101.