陈红博士,华中科技大学药学院教授。研究方向为肾脏疾病发病机制解析及多肽药物研发,在Nat. Commun(3篇)、J. Am. Soc. Nephrol、Theranostics(2篇)、J Med Chem、J Mol Cell Biol、J. Physiol等国际著名期刊上发表论文35篇,获批国家发明专利7项,先后主持国家、省部和校级项目11项,任Cell Death & Disease、International Urology and Nephrology等杂志的审稿人;入选湖北省青年拔尖人才,作为参与人获湖北省科学技术奖二等奖1项。参编人民卫生出版社国家药学类规划教材5部,承担本科生《药学分子生物学》、《生物药物前沿进展》、《生物药学综合实验II》、研究生《药学生物技术》等多门课程的理论和实验教学。
1. 湖北省青年拔尖人才项目,2025-2027,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32371171,2024-2027,在研,主持
3. 国家重点研发计划,2023YFC2507904,2023-2026,在研,课题骨干
4. 国家重点研发计划,2023YFC2307000,2023-2026,在研,课题骨干
5. 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,2022CFB247,2023-2024,已结题,主持
6. 湖北省重点实验室开放基金,2022swbx004,已结题,主持
7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31500941,已结题,主持
1. Li X, Yu LW, Liu XK, Shi TY, Zhang Y, Xiao YS, Wang C, Song LL, Li N, Liu XR, Chen YC, Petersen B.R., Cheng X., Xue WK, Yu V.YX, Xu L, Zheng L,Chen H*, Huang K*.b-synuclein regulates the phase transitions and amyloid conversion of α-synuclein.Nature communications. 2024 Oct 9;15(1):8748.
2. Cui N#, Liu CY#, Tang X, Song LL, Xiao ZX, Wang C, Wu YC, Zhou YH, Peng CT, Liu YX, Zheng L, Liu XR, Huang K,Chen H*.ISG15 accelerates acute kidney injuryand the subsequent AKI-to-CKD transition by promoting TGFbR1 ISGylation.Theranostics2024; 14(11):4536-4553.
3. Yang C, Xu H, Yang D, Xie Y, Xiong M, Fan Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Xiao Y, Chen Y, Zhou Y, Song L, Wang C, Peng A, Petersen RB,Chen H*, Huang K*, Zheng L*. A renal YY1-KIM1-DR5 axis regulates the progression of acute kidney injury.Nature communications2023 Jul 17;14(1):4261.
4. Xiong M#,Chen H#, Fan Y, Jin M, Yang D, Chen Y , Zhang Y, Petersen R, Su H, Peng A, Wang C, Zheng L*, Huang K*. Tubular Elabela-APJ axis attenuates ischemia-reperfusion induced acute kidney injury and the following AKI-CKD transition by protecting renal microcirculation.Theranostics2023; 13(10):3387-3401.
5. Chen H,Liu C, Wang Q, Xiong MR, Zeng X, Yang D, Xie YH, Su H, Zhang Y, Huang YX, Chen YC, Yue JQ, Liu CY, Wang S, Huang, K*, Zheng L*, Renal UTX-PHGDH-serine axis regulates metabolic disorders in the kidney and liver,Nature communications, 2022 Jul 4;13(1):3835. 被Natural Review Nephrology评选为Research Highlight
6. Liu CY#,Chen H#, Hu BC, Shi JJ, Chen YC*, and Huang K*, New insights into the therapeutic potentials of statins in cancer.Front Pharmacol. 2023 Jul 7; 14: 1188926.
7. Wang J, Chen YC*, Xiao ZX, Liu XK, Liu CY, Huang K,Chen H*. Phase separation of chromatin structure-related biomolecules: a driving force for epigenetic regulations.Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2024;25(7):553-566.
8. Yang C#, Zhang Y#, Zeng X, Chen HJ, Chen YC, Yang D, Shen ZW, Wang XM, Liu XR, Xiong MR,Chen H*and Huang K*, Kidney injury molecule-1 is a potential receptor for SARS-CoV-2.JMol Cell Biol, 2021 Jul 6;13(3):185-196.
9. Wang C#, Xiong MR#, Yang C, Yang D, Zheng JJ, Fan Y, Wang S, Gai YK, Lan XL,Chen H*, Zheng L*, Huang K*, PEGylated and acylated Elabela analogues show enhanced receptor binding, prolonged stability, and remedy of acute kidney injury.J Med Chem, 2020 Dec 24;63(24):16028-16042.
10. Chen H#,Huang YX#, Zhu XQ, Liu C, Yuan YM, Su H, Zhang C, Liu CY, Xiong MR, Qu YN, Yun P, Zheng L*, Huang K *, Histone demethylase UTX is a therapeutic target for diabetic kidney disease,J. Physiol,2019 Mar 15, 597(6):1643-1660.
11. Chen H, Liu CY, Cheng C, Zheng L, Huang K*, Effects of apelin peptides on diabetic complications,Curr Protein Pept Sci, 2018, 19(2):179-189.
12. Chen H,Wang L, Wang WJ, Cheng C, Zhang Y, Zhou Y, Wang CY, Miao XP, Wang J, Wang C, Li JS, Zheng L, Huang K*, ELABELA and an ELABELA fragment protect against AKI.J Am Soc Nephrol,2017 Sep; 28(9):2694-2707.
13. Chen H, Wan DY, Wang L, Peng AL, Xiao HD, Petersen R.B, Liu CY,Zheng L*, Huang K*, Apelin protects against acute renal injury by inhibiting TGF-b1,BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease,2015 Jul; 1852(7):1278-87.
14. Chen H,Li JS, Jiao LH, Petersen R.B, Li J, Peng AL, Zheng L*, Huang K*, Apelin inhibits the development of diabetic nephropathy by regulating histone acetylation in Akita mouse,J. Physiol, 2014, 592, 505-521.
15. Chen H#, Zheng CH#, Zhang X, Li JS, Li J, Zheng L*, Huang K*, Apelin alleviates diabetes-associated endoplasmic reticulum stress in the pancreas of Akita mice,Peptides, 2011, 32, 1634-1639.