蔡晓凤,女,博士,教授,博士生/硕士生导师,药学院分析测试中心主任。2013年博士毕业于德国波恩大学,师从天然产物生物合成领域国际知名专家德国科学院院士Prof.Dr. Jörn Piel(现任职于苏黎世联邦理工大学,https://micro.biol.ethz.ch/research/piel.html),2014年2月-2018年10月在德国法兰克福大学天然产物合成生物学领域著名专家Prof. Dr. Helge B. Bode教授(现就职于德国马普所陆地微生物所,任所长职务https://www.mpi-marburg.mpg.de/962325/Helge-Bode)实验室从事博士后研究。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在领域内国际权威期刊杂志Nat Chem, Nat Commun, Angwante Chemie, Nucleic Acid Res, Chem Biol, Org Lett, ACS Syn Biol等发表SCI论文15余篇。
2018.10-至今 教授,华中科技大学,同济医学院药学院
2014.2-2018.10博士后,德国法兰克福大学(Prof. Dr. Helge B. Bode,现任职于马普所陆地微生物所)
2009.11-2013.10博士,德国波恩大学,生物学(Prof. Dr. Jörn Piel,现任职于苏黎世联邦理工大学)
1. 《分子生药学》,2024“十四五”规划研究生统编教材,科学出版社,编委
2. 《天然药物化学专论》,2024“十四五”规划研究生统编教材,科学出版社,编委
1. 中国中西医结合学会分子生药学专业委员会委员;
2. Organic Letters、Journal of Natural Products、Chemistry: A European Journal、Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry、ChemBioChem、Environmental Microbiology等国际一流杂志期刊审稿人
1. 微生物技术国家重点实验室(山东大学)开放课题6万,项目编号: M2024-16, 2024.07-2026.06,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目50万,项目编号:32371496, 2024.01-2027.12,主持
3. 中央本级重大增减支项目--名贵中药资源可持续利用能力建设项目原创探索类项目20万,项目编号:2060302-2201-05,2022.07-2024.12,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目60万,项目编号:31972852, 2020.01-2023.12,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金21万,项目编号:81903527, 2020.01-2022.12,主持
6. 华中科技大学新进教师科研启动经费100万,2019.01-2021.12,主持
1. Cai, T., Ding, N., He, Y., Han, T., Wang, Y., Liu, C., He, Q., Liu, C., Li, A., Zhang, P., and Cai, X.* (2024).Molecular networking-guided discovery of a new antitumor pyranonaphthoquinone fromStreptomyces tanashiensisDSM 731: insights from single-molecule stretching assays.ChemBioChem.e202400732. https://doi.org/10.1002/cbic.202400732.
2. Liu, T., Cai, T., Liu, H., Li, A., Yin, M., Mei, Y., Zhou, Y. Fan, S., Lu, Y., Wan, L, You, H.*, andCai, X.*(2024). Force-enhanced sensitive detection of new DNA-interactive agents from microorganisms at the single-molecule level.Nucleic Acids Res.gkae746. 1-11 (*,co-corresponding author)
3. Cai, T, Sun, J., Chen, W., He, Q., Chen B., He, Y., Zhang, P., Wei, Y., Liu, H.*, andCai, X.* (2024).Bioactivity-guided discovery of antiviral templichalasins A‒C from the endophytic fungusAspergillus templicola.Chin. J. Nat. Medicines.22(0): 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/S1875-5364(24)60682-5 (*,co-corresponding author)
4.Shen, L., Wang, Y. Liu, C., Alateng, W., Wang, Y. Zeeck, A., Wang, W., Zhang, P., Wei, Y. *, andCai, X. *(2024). Genome-driven discovery of antiviral atralabdans A–C from the soil-dwellingStreptomyces atratus.J. Nat. Prod.87(7):1735–1745. (*,co-corresponding author)
5. Qiu, H., Xiao, Y., Shen, L., Han, T., He, Q., Li, A., Zhang, P. andCai, X.* (2023).Genome-driven discovery of new serrawettin W2 analogues fromSerratia fonticolaDSM 4576.Org. Biomol. Chem.21, 9029-9036.
6.Tao, Q., Sang, Y., Han, T., Zhou, H., Zhang, P * andCai, X.* (2023).20-nor-Isopimarane and isopimarane diterpenoids produced byAspergillussp. WT03.Org. Biomol. Chem.21(9):1895-1902.(*,co-corresponding author)
7.Cai, X.*,#Zhao, L.#and Bode, H.B.* (2023).Engineering of specific single-module nonribosomal peptide synthetases of the RXP type for the production of defined peptides.ACS Synth. Biol.12 (1):203-212 (*,co-corresponding author, #,co-first author)
8.Xu,J., Lei, Z., Liu, S. Chen J., Gong G.*andCai, X.*(2022).Preparation and characterization of biodegradable electrospinning PHBV/PBAT/TiO2 antibacterial nanofiber membranes.Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics.17:1-13(*,co-corresponding author)
9. Yan, Y., Yu, Z., Zhong, W., Hou, X., Tao, Q., Cao, M., Li Wang, L.,Cai, X., Rao, Y., Huang, Y.*(2022)Characterization of multifunctional and non-stereoselective oxidoreductase RubE7/IstO, expanding the functional diversity of the flavoenzyme superfamily.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.61, e202200189.
10.Cai, X.,#Li, C.,#Ichinose, K.,#Jiang,Y., Liu, M., Wang, H., Gong, C., Li, L., Wan, J., Zhao,Y., Yang, Q. and Li, A.* (2021).A single-domain small protein Med-ORF10 regulates the production of antitumour agent medermycin inStreptomyces.Microb. Biotechnol.14(5):1918-1930.(#,co-first author)
11.Cai, X., Taguchi, T.,Wang, H., Yuki, M.,Tanaka, M., Gong, K., Xu, J., Zhao, Y., Ichinose, K.* andLi, A.* (2021). Identification of aC-glycosyltransferase involved in medermycin biosynthesis.ACS Chem. Biol.16 (6), 1059–1069.
12. Neubacher, N., Tobias, N. J., Huber, M.,Cai, X., Glatter, T., Pidot, S. J., Stinear, T. P., Lütticke, A. L.,Papenfort, K., and Bode, H. B.*(2020).Symbiosis, virulence and natural-product biosynthesis in entomopathogenic bacteria are regulated by a small RNA.Nat. Microbiol.5, 1481–1489.
13.陶巧巧,蔡晓凤*(2020).诺卡菌来源活性次级代谢产物.中国抗生素杂志.45 (09), 833-849. ( *,通讯作者)
14.Cai, X., Zhao, L. and Bode, H. B.* (2019). Reprogramming promiscuous nonribosomal peptide synthetases for production of specific peptides.Org. Lett.21(7), 2116-2120.
15. Hacker, C.,#Cai, X.,#Kegler, C., Zhao, L., A., Weickhmann, A. K., Wurm, J. P., Bode, H. B.* and Wöhnert, J.* (2018).Structure-based redesign of docking domain interactions modulates the product spectrum of a rhabdopeptide-synthesizing NRPS.Nat. Commun.9, 4366.(#, co-first author)
16. Zhao, L.,Cai, X., Kaiser, M., and Bode, H. B. (2018) Methionine-containing rhabdopeptide/xenortide-like peptides from heterologous expression of the biosynthetic gene cluster kj12ABC inEscherichia coli.J. Nat. Prod.81(10), 2292-2295.
17. Cai, X., Nowak, S., Wesche, F., Bischoff, I., Kaiser, M., Fürst, R., and Bode., H.B.* (2017).Entomopathogenic bacteria use multiple mechanisms for bioactive peptide library design.Nat. Chem.9, 379-386.
18. Cai, X.,#Shi, Y. M.,#Pöhlmann, N., Revermann, O., Bahner, I., Pidot, S. J., Wesche, F., Lackner, H., Büchel, C., Kaiser, M., Richter, C., Schwalbe, H., Stinear, T.P., Zeeck, A., and Bode, H.B.* (2017).Structure and biosynthesis of isatropolones, bioactive amine scavenging fluorescent natural products fromStreptomycesGö66.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.56, 4945-4949. (#, co-first author)
19. Cai, X., Challinor, V. L., Zhao, L., Reimer, D., Adihou, H., Grün, P., Kaiser, M., and Bode., H. B.* (2017). Biosynthesis of the antibiotic nematophin and its elongated derivatives in entomopathogenic bacteria.Org. Lett.19, 806-809.
20. Cai, X., Teta, R., Kohlhaas, C., Crüsemann, M., Ueoka, R., Mangoni, A., Freeman, M. F.,* and Piel, J.* (2013).Manipulation of regulatory genes reveals complexity and fidelity in hormaomycin biosynthesis.Chem. Biol.20, 839-846.
21.Höfer, I; Crüsemann, M; Radzom, M; Geers, B., Flachshaar, D;Cai, X.; Zeeck, A., and Piel, J. *(2011) Insights into the biosynthesis of hormaomycin, an exceptionally complex bacterial signaling metabolite.Chem. Biol.18(3),381-391.
1. 蔡晓凤;蔡腾;陶巧巧;李爱英;程畅;张鹏,来源于诺卡氏菌的铁载体类化合物及分离鉴定方法,专利申请号:2024115772520
2. 蔡晓凤;童擎一;蔡腾;肖秧;陶巧巧,一种镓螯合物在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用,专利申请号:2024116745662
3. 蔡晓凤;蔡腾;韩涛;刘承鑫,蒽醌类化合物aloesaponarin II在制备CVB3病毒抑制剂中的应用,专利申请号:2024109377609
4. 蔡晓凤;蔡腾;韩涛;王燕燕,聚酮类化合物在制备EV71病毒抑制剂中的应用,专利申请号:2024109377596
5. 蔡晓凤;魏艳红;沈玲,半日花烷型二萜类化合物在制备CVB3病毒抑制剂中的应用,专利申请号:2024101482005
6. 游慧娟;蔡晓凤;刘天宇;蔡腾,一种分析复杂混合溶液中非共价核酸嵌入剂的方法,专利申请号:2023115604624
7. 李爱英;蔡晓凤;刘明;李瑞娟;李彩云;张友明,一种链霉菌来源的新型调控因子及其本源和异源表达工程菌株构建与应用,专利授权号:ZL202011017856.1
8. 李爱英;王慧利;蔡晓凤,安哥拉糖胺糖基合成酶及糖基转移酶多基因共表达系统的构建及其应用,专利授权号:ZL200910063347.X