谭松巍,博士,男,湖北省药学会药剂专业委员会委员,《药剂学》、《药用高分子材料学》主讲教师,博士生导师,湖北省药学会药剂专业委员会委员,《Pharmaceutics》、《Biomedicines》、《Advances in Polymer Technology》编委,《亚洲药物制剂科学》(Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences)青年编委,参编“十四五”规划教材《药剂学》(中国医药科技出版社)。主持、参与包括国家自然科学基金、国家科技重大专项等在内的科研项目十余项,企业委托研发项目3项,主持校教学研究项目1项、参与3项,发表SCI论文70余篇、他引3000余次,H指数29,授权中国发明专利5项。
ORCID: 0000-0002-2986-8968
2023年至今 华中科技大学,教授
2016-2022年 华中科技大学,副教授
2013-2016年 华中科技大学,讲师
2011-2013年 华中科技大学,博士后
2005-2011年 浙江大学,博士
2001-2005年 浙江大学,学士
• 国家自然科学基金面上项目:肿瘤细胞膜包被ROS响应纳米粒用于CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑系统的靶向递送及EB病毒感染相关鼻咽癌的治疗,81871473,2019-2022年。
• 国家科技重大专项“人乳头瘤病毒靶向治疗新技术研发”子课题:制备纳米基因靶向药物,评估其安全有效性并开展临床试验,2018ZX10301402-004,2018-2020年
• 武汉市青年科技晨光计划项目:一种具有抑制肿瘤耐药性的多功能纳米药物平台的构建与探索,2016070204010151,2016-2018年。
• 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目:新型智能纳米凝胶用于肿瘤化疗联合免疫治疗的研究,2015CFB492,2015-2016年。
• 国家自然科学基金青年基金:具有P-糖蛋白抑制功能的pH-、还原双敏感抗肿瘤载药胶束,21204024,2013-2015年。
• 中国博士后科学基金特别资助:仿红细胞纳米凝胶的构建及其在肿瘤免疫治疗中的应用,2013T60722,2013-2014年。
1. Tu Y#, Fan G#, Wu N#, Liu B, Sun H, Wang Q, Zou W, Xiao HJ*, Tan SW*. Glutathione carbon dots as an intracellular reactive oxygen species scavenger for reducing cisplatin-induced ototoxicity.View. 2024, 5, 20230056.(co-responding author) (IF: 8.6)
2. Yuan C#, Chang S#, Zhang C#, Dong D, Ding J, Mahdavian AR, Hu Z, Sun L*,Tan SW*. Post cross-linked ROS-responsive poly(β-amino ester)-plasmid polyplex NPs for gene therapy of EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Journal of materials chemistry. B, 2024, 12 (12): 3129-3143.(co-responding author) (IF: 7.0)
3. Ding J#, Zhang H#, Dai T, Gao XQ, Yin Z, Wang Q, Long M*,Tan SW*. TPGS-b-PBAE Copolymer-Based Polyplex Nanoparticles for Gene Delivery and Transfection In Vivo and In Vitro.Pharmaceutics, 2024, 16, 213.(co-responding author) (IF: 5.4)
4. Gao XQ#, Dong D#, Zhang C, Deng Y, Ding J, Niu S,Tan SW*, Sun L*. Chitosan-Functionalized Poly(β-Amino Ester) Hybrid System for Gene Delivery in Vaginal Mucosal Epithelial Cells.Pharmaceutics, 2024, 16, 154.(co-responding author) (IF: 5.4)(Selection of Best Papersin January 2024)
5. Zou C#, Tang Y#, Zeng P, Cui D, Amili MA, Chang Y, Zhu J, Shen Y*,Tan SW*, Guo SR*. cRGD-modified Nanoparticles of Multi-bioactive Agent Conjugate with pH-sensitive Linkers and PD-L1 Antagonist for Integrative Collaborative Treatment of Breast Cancer.Nanoscale Horizons. 2023, 8: 870-886.(co-responding author) (IF: 19.7)
6. Tu YQ#, Zhang W#, Fan GR#, Zou CM, Zhang J, Wu N, Ding JH, Zou WQ, Xiao HJ*,Tan SW*. Paclitaxel-loaded ROS-responsive nanoparticles for head and neck cancer therapy,Drug Delivery, 2023, 30:2189106,(co-responding author) (IF: 6.0)
7. Ding YF, Wang H, Wang Y, Li L, Ding JH, Yuan CY, Xu T, Xu H, Xie H, Zhu N, Hu X, Fang H*,Tan SW*. Co-delivery of luteolin and TGF-β1 plasmids with ROS-responsive virus-inspired nanoparticles for microenvironment regulation and chemo-gene therapy of intervertebral disc degeneration.Nano Research, 2022, 15:8214-8227.(co-responding author) (IF: 9.9)
8. Tan C#, Fan H#, Ding J, Han C, Guan Y, Zhu F, Wu H, Liu Y, Zhang W, Hou X*,Tan SW*, Tang Q*. ROS-responsive nanoparticles for oral delivery of luteolin and targeted therapy of ulcerative colitis by regulating pathological microenvironment.Materials Today Bio, 2022, 14:100246.(co-responding author) (IF: 8.2)
9. Tan C#,Tan SW#, Zhang H, Zhang M, Fan H, Nan Z, Liu XX, Wang WZ, Zhang LJ, Deng SJ, Zuo DM, Tang Q*. Enhanced migration and immunoregulatory capacity of BMSCs mediated by overexpression of CXCR4 and IL-35.Molecular Immunology, 2022, 150:1-8.(#: equal contribution) (IF: 3.6)
10. Liang J#, Cui ZF#, Wu C#, Yu Y, Tian R, Xie H, Jin Z, Fan W, Xie W, Huang Z, Xu W, Zhu J, You Z, Guo X, Qiu X, Ye J, Lang B, Li M,Tan SW*, Hu Z. DeepEBV: A deep learning model to predict Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) integration sites.Bioinformatics, 2021, 37, 3405–3411.(co-responding author) (IF: 6.937)
11. Xiong JF#,Tan SW#,Yu L, Shen H, Qu S, Zhang C, Ren C, Zhu D*, Wang H*, E7-targeted nanotherapeutics for key HPV afflicted cervical lesions by employing CRISPR/ Cas9 and poly (beta-amino ester).International Journal of Nanomedicine,2021, 16:7609-7622.(#: equal contribution) (IF: 7.033)
12. Gao XQ#, Jin Z#, Tan X#, Zhang C, Zou C, Zhang W, Ding J, Das BC, Severinov K, Hitzeroth II, Debata PR, He D, Ma X, Tian X, Gao Q, Wu J, Tian R, Cui Z, Fan W, Huang Z, Cao C, Bao Y,Tan SW*, Hu Z*. Hyperbranched poly(beta-amino ester) based polyplex nanopaticles for delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 system and treatment of HPV infection associated cervical cancer.Journal of Controlled Release, 2020, 321:654-668.(co-responding author) (IF: 9.776)
13. Niu G#, Jin Z#, Zhang C#, He D, Gao XQ, Zou CM, Zhang W, Ding J, Das BC, Severinov K, Hitzeroth II, Debata PR, Ma X, Tian X, Gao Q, Wu J, You Z, Tian R, Cui Z, Fan W, Xie W, Huang Z, Cao C, Xu W, Xie H, Xu H, Tang X, Wang Y, Yu Z, Han H,Tan SW*, Chen S*, Hu Z*. An effective vaginal gel to deliver CRISPR/Cas9 system encapsulated in poly (beta-amino ester) nanoparticles for vaginal gene therapy.Ebiomedicine, 2020, 58:102897.(co-responding author) (IF: 8.143)
14. Deng H#,Tan SW#, Gao XQ, Zou CM, Xu C, Tu K, Song Q, Fan F, Huang W, Zhang ZP*. Cdk5 knocking out mediated by CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing for PD-L1 attenuation and enhanced antitumor immunity.Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2020, 10(2):358-373.(#: equal contribution) (IF: 11.614)
15. Wang H#, Ding Y#, Zhang W, Wei K, Pei Y, Zou CM, Zhang C, Ding J, Fang H*,Tan SW*. Oxymatrine Liposomes for Intervertebral Disc Treatment: Formulation, in vitro and vivo Assessments.Drug Design Development and Therapy, 2020, 14:921-931.(co-responding author) (IF: 2.135)
16. Tang Q#, Zhang W#, Zhang C, Guan Y, Ding J, Yuan C, Tan C, Gao XQ,Tan SW*. Oxymatrine loaded nitric oxide-releasing liposomes for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 586:119617.(Responding author) (IF: 5.875)
17. Guan Y, Wang L, Wang B, Ding M, Bao YL*,Tan SW*. Recent Advances of D-alpha-tocopherol Polyethylene Glycol 1000 Succinate Based Stimuli-responsive Nanomedicine for Cancer Treatment.Current Medical Science, 2020, 40(2):218-231.(co-responding author) (IF: 2.135)
18. Zou CM, Jiang G, Gao XQ, Zhang W, Deng H, Zhang C, Ding J, Wei R, Wang X, Xi L*,Tan SW*. Targeted co-delivery of Trp-2 polypeptide and monophosphoryl lipid A by pH-sensitive poly (beta-amino ester) nano-vaccines for melanoma.Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine, 2019, 22:102092.(co-responding author) (IF: 6.458)
19. Wang Q, Zou CM, Wang LY, Gao XQ, Wu J,Tan SW*, Wu G*. Doxorubicin and adjudin co-loaded pH-sensitive nanoparticles for the treatment of drug-resistant cancer.Acta Biomaterialia,2019, 94:469-81.(co-responding author)(IF: 8.947)
20. Sun Y, Bao YL, Jiang X,Tan SW*, Yin MX, Yang C, Zhou L, Zhang ZP*. pH-sensitive micelles with charge-reversible property for tumor growth inhibition and anti-metastasis,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6, 458-468; (co-responding author)(IF: 4.776)
• 张志平,谭松巍,宋庆乐,尹明星,鲍宇玲,一种具有抗癌活性的化合物及抗癌组合物,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201410417939;
• 谭松巍,高雪琴,邹晨明,尹明星,张伟,王利群,温敏性非甾体抗炎药固体分散体和速释片及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810639564.8;
• 谭松巍,张伟,唐庆,谭晨,张冲,一种具有靶向作用的抗炎脂质体及其制备与应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201910529237 .1
• 谭松巍,丁家辉,袁彩燕,张菡丹,张冲,一种具有活性氧响应的聚(β-氨基酯)类聚合物及其制备方法和用途,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202210369190.9
• 肖红俊,谭松巍,吴楠,凃雅琴,宗世民,王维,栗浩,一种新型自供氧脂质体纳米粒及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202110853423.8